Upheaval is a sudden change or disruption to the familiar
It requires each of us to move forward with our lives in the face of uncertainty Uncertainty infers that the means and ends which lay ahead are unknowable
It reveals control over outcomes to be illusionary
while accepting the irresolute as reality
We can either choose to embrace the unknown or we can seek to avoid it
but we cannot do both
In regards to Covid19 and the social influencers connected to it
the outcomes are so far, unknowable
The extent of risk is unknowable
The efficacy of recommendations as well as prohibitions are unknowable
Some seem logical, and some do not
Yet, without the passage of time and irrefutable results
determined by exhaustive scientific research, we are left with speculation.
It is this speculation that is currently dictating both government policy
as well as individual sense making
In light of this, it is understood that engaging in anything at all
outside the safety of home is a willful subjection to risk
Risk is inherent to life.
Quotes such as
"Fortune favors the bold"
"Ships are safe in the Harbor, but that's not what ships are for"
are part of our lexicon of inspiration for a reason
They offer us a middle path
a distinction between unrestrained arrogance and restrictive fear
It is a place without judgement
A place where we can decide with clarity what it is that serves our highest need
Risk is how we grow and how we challenge ourselves
to learn
and make peace
with the things that initially inspired only fear and confusion
It is with that understanding that we choose to connect and give
and it is with that understanding that we choose to connect and receive
Anything less will not do
I encourage us all from time to time to loosen the restraints of fear
and set down our bundle of beliefs
to separate that burden from our being
and allow our selves to feel the freedom
flowing within and around
of natural rhythms
of the cosmos
the human body
the spirit
to listen to a different sort of knowing perhaps
One without electricity
without internet
without headlines and soundbites
To do so is to meet ourselves anew
without the weight and masks of
Though these things do provide security for some and guidance for others
they do not provide us morality, not really
they do not provide us with freedom, not really
That is the work of Self
Leaning in to the innate
the incarnate
the sentient
the mystery of life
of existence it self
I encourage us all
to not be so sure all the time
so rigid
so righteous
I encourage us all
to seek awe
to become better acquainted with the feeling of not knowing
to acknowledge our vulnerabilities
to experience the unconditional joy of simply being
when we pick our bundle of believing back up,
may we seek information as an adventure,
as though we are embarking upon explorations of learning without an agenda
with interest instead of indignation
with wonder rather than seeking to prove or disprove
No longer obsessed with the definitive
but seeking instead to explore the space where conflicting information meets
Perhaps holding our questions with open hands
the hands of curiosity
Rather than clutching with curled fingers to answers
like a zealot with a fist
like a fanatic with a flag
so sure
they are the best
they are right
they are the chosen
When in fact there never was a competition
There never was a battle for dominion
There never was a conflict
save the ones within each of us.